Hi everyone! Hey, I will be playing at the Gurtenfestival this summer. Me and my awesome band with Manu Rindlisbacher (bass), Nicolas Sciarrone (e-guit) and Simon Schwarzenbach (drums) will rock the Bamboo Bar stage on July 17! Timothy Jaromir at the Gurten Festival
Pagan stars nominated for best pop song at M4-music!!!
Hi everyone!I'm really proud to announce that my song Pagan stars has been nominated for best pop song at this years M4-Music Festival. Audition takes place tomorrow at the Box (Schiffbau) between 12:00 and 14:00 pm! The awards will be announced on Saturday night! http://www.m4music.ch/
Along the sound!
In February last year I got a mail from the Cologne based photographer Sabine Kocem. She had been taking photos of musicians for quite a while and had come up with the idea of making an Art-Photography-Book. She decided to ask musicians from around the world to contribute lyrics or poems to the pictures she had taken. So when the first poems and lyrics arrived her photos took on a whole new life, building a bridge from the photos about music to words from music! I really liked the idea right from the beginning. So after looking through her wonderful album I picked a photo showing three street musicians in total concentration. There was so much life and movement in that picture that I had some ideas and images coming up real fast! Listening to Sigur Ros album Heim I began to write the poem, “Niroda” meaning the cessation of suffering and the attainment of Nirvana in the sense that when we really manage to dive into the music then we can let go of our ego and really be in the present moment. Sounds like it’s complicated but I mean it in a really simple way, in the sense of just becoming a child again. “I was the chanting and the rolling in this single state of creed The truth beneath the surface of conviction, the crimson blood at speed I was the very purpose of your breathing inside this mortal Pail of sand, the stinging of the nettles and the vigour in your hand. I was the whisper of departure, the only voice that cannot ever lie And the clashing of intentions in the breaking of the sky. I was the oil field and the missing phrase you lost at sea, the primrose In the battle of the fall and the psalm you chiselled on the wall I was the beat of every heavy drum, the pulsing moment of assembly for all the years to come”
When I got her book last week I really enjoyed reading all the different lyrics and poems that have been inspired by the her wonderful work. You can check out or buy her book on the following websites: :www.picturedistrict.de :www.blurb.com/bookstore Kudos to Sabine!
Some photos!
My friend Urs Matravers with whom I share the band The Foxsparrows, made some really nice photos of my show at the Papiersaal. You can see them on:www.getvisual.chIt was a really fun night there and I enjoyed playing Ray Lamontagne’s song Jolene together with Reza Dinally! That song is one of my all time favourites! Urs and me also started making a video for my song Home again! We hope to finish it soon! Last Thursday I played a short set of songs at the Kultig in Sissach opening for the wonderful Christina Maria. I learnt that the place has a long history and has been around for quite some time! My next show will be together with The Foxsparrows and Christina Maria at Henrici in Zürich. We are really looking forward to that night! I am reading books about Haida Indians right now. It’s so interesting and it’s giving me ideas for new songs! Hope to see you at Henrici!
New shows!
Lately in the shop window!
Hi Folks! A couple of weeks ago I was walking back home late at night when I saw two guys having a way past midnight picnic in a shop window! They had been reconstructing the inside of a shop all night and where just taking a break! I thought that was so funny so I stopped to take a photo. I like people like that! We ended up talking about the advantages of working at night and how music can make working easier sometimes. I haven’t mentioned this yet explicitly, but obviously I really like music! I especially enjoy music that is real, heartfelt and soulful! Later on my way back home I tried to figure out what my favourite songs where these last months. It’s a hard choice to make but this is a list of songs I have been listening to a lot in the last couple of months:
1. William Fitzsimmons: I Don’t Feel It Anymore 2. Bowerbirds: In Our Talons 3 Teitur: The Girl I Don’t know 4. Nina Kinert: Wings 5. Bon Iver: Skinny Love 6 Fionn Regan: Snowy Atlas Mountains 7 Christina Maria: Straight Line 8. Christian Kjellvander: Reverse Traverse Blues 9. Iron and Wine: Sunset Soon Forgotten 10. C.Gibbs & Lucinda Black Bear: Medicine Bag
I forgot to mention Matt Epp! I am a delirious fan of his latest record too! Ok, who did I forget? The Weepies? I better not start! And my favourite song title so far? I think Sufjan gets that one! The song is called: THE BLACK HAWK WAR, or, how to demolish an entire civilisation and still feel good about yourself in the morning, or, we apologize for the inconvenience but you’re going to have to leave now, or, “I have fought the big knives and will continue to fight them until they are off our lands!” That’s all for now!