Dear all - today, I’m so pleased to share what I think is my favorite batch of songs yet! “Man Atlas” is out today! 🌎 STREAM HERE - BUY ON BANDCAMP
At the heart of it all, I just always liked sitting down with a guitar and singing a good song. That’s what Man Atlas is all about really, it’s about the songs, about the lyrics and that doesn’t always need much more frippery around it. 🎸
It was great working with Giuliano Sulzberger on this project, he’s got a such a natural and creative approach to recording, and he knows when to do what at the right time and moment. Thank you! 😘
And thanks to all the people who have also played a bigger or smaller part in the making. Rykka, my soul mate who has supported me throughout and beyond. Daniel Gisler, Christoph Huber, Dan Suter, Greg Zeder, Sasha Krüger, Zosia Prominska, Valentina Verdesca, Helen dEady
Interview with Vinylopresso
Ich freue mich riesig auf der neusten Podcast Folge von Vinylopresso zu sein. Ich habe mit Chris und Markus länger geplaudert und auch ein paar Songs live und akustisch gespielt. Hört euch die spannende Folge und erfährt was über meine neusten Songs, ayurvedische Küche, Jeff Buckley und vieles mehr :) Much love Timothy
Video Premiere: “River on the Rise” on Americana-UK
Album Review - Kulturtipp Nr. 24/20
Thank you so much (Copyright ©) for this nice review by Frank von Niederhäusern. I am releasing my new album “Hiraeth” tomorrow November 6. 2020
Pacific Gold (Remixes) Release date 24.2.2017
It's time for some news. If you ever wondered how my music would sound like if I'd be making electronic music instead of americana, then you will be able find out what it sounds like on February 24 2017. I will be releasing a brand new EP with four tracks from my last EP Pacific Gold, remixed by Pablo Nouvelle (CH), BLOCKBUSTER (CA), Bobby Pescod (CA) and DEM YUUT (US). I love the tracks and I'm exctited to share with you soon. Hope all is well.
Love TJ
Timothy Jaromir - Montreux Jazz Festival 2016 - Live Videoclip
Et voilà! Here is our live video from our concert at the Monreux Jazz Festival 2016! Thank you Stephan Huwyler for making this amazing clip/documentary! Thank you to Roman Frischknecht 48v for mastering the song and to my amazing band; Daniel Eugster, Nicolas Sciarrone, Manu Rindlisbacher, Rykka!